When I saw this set I thought I must have it. The 50s/70s feel and the art deco style of the building really make this set somthing different.
I decided once Christmas was clear and my gift money was in it was for my collection.
The Diner set is almost half the size of Assembly Square in brick count. However the physical size is about 2/3 of Assembly Square.
The Box
The box is in the Expert Creator style as expected. Half the depth of Assembly Square but still bigger than most sets.


Minifigure size comparison

The Box Contents
Here are pictures of all the stages poly-bags.

Diner ground and pavement

Diner walls and detail

The gym

The Radio Station

The Roof and Car

The Diner
The Diner is really nicely played out. The attention to detail is high and the build fun. Some of the best details are the rounded edging on the bar, the juke box and the table condiments.
MiniME laying the floor.

Dinner 90%

Waitress on roller skates.

My one disappointment about this part was the lack of detail around the back. It's odd as there is very good detail on the other levels. This feels a bit empty and incomplet.
The Gym
The gym layer on this set is probably my favourite. The detail of the Ring and the Punch Bag is very high and looks excellent. The weight equipment is good too but the for mentiond items are the champions.
Ring and dumbbell stand.

Punch bag.

Bench press and water cooler.

The absolute best bit of detail for this part of the set has to be the external spiral staircase. The use of old lego fence parts, aerials and droid arms to make the highly detailed iron stairs is mind blowing.

The Radio Station
What with my day job being in the broadcast industry I have a little draw to the Radio Station. The sound desk and old reel to reel recorder mad me laugh. You can't beat it when lego and life match.
Sound Recording equipment.

Angry Agent.

Executives Dink cabinet.

Soundproofed Studio.

Roof and Car
This now brings us to the final stage. The roof what to say there is little going on up there bit the final part of the art deck front is good.
As for the car I think it's good. I have seen some others saying the expected more from this but ultimately it's a 50s 60s car. Shape was not alwaysrounded and slick as now.

Minifamily going for a ride.

I hope you have enjoyed this little review and images.
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